We Provide One-stop Power Supply Solution

A Merry Christmas To All Our Workers And Customers

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It is that time of the year again as yuletide and the festive spirits are in the air. The Christmas holiday is not just a religious holiday but also a commercial one as it is a holiday celebrated worldwide.


Christmas time is a holiday set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ but has also evolved with time to incorporate secular and commercial activities.


There is also a buzz in the air as schools, companies and other bodies prepare for the holiday, with colourful decorations to go with the theme of the season.


Door wreaths, Christmas lights and magnificent Christmas trees are a common sight during the holiday. It is also a time to make merry, share and spend time with family and also a season of giving.


At Shenzhen Super Dragon Technology Co., Ltd., we are not only known for our efficient management team and an experienced R&D and process development team but also for providing the customer with a few series of eco-friendly adapter, charger, smart fast charger, power converter module for telecom and so on.

 Merry Christmas

We have a professional R&D team and talents are gathered in production, engineering, the quality team too.


Relay on the strong ability of development, manufacture and quality control, we can provide eco-friendly and price competitive products to the consumer along with high quality.


We also understand the importance of family values and the essence of Christmas and hence we do not take it for granted. It is usually all joy as our staffs are given the time off to make merry and enjoy quality family time.


In the spirit of Christmas, which is about giving, our company sets aside certain incentives for our staff and employees.


Gift cards, coupons, gift items and various forms of incentives are given to different categories of staff in the company to celebrate the season of Christmas. After all, Christmas is all about giving.


Asides from the various gift packages, awards are given to staff that have been dutiful throughout the year as coincidentally Christmas falls towards the end of the year.


These incentives and awards do not only serve as a way of appreciating our staff but are also a motivation for them as our staff resume being more energized having enjoyed the break and more dedicated to producing and providing our customers with enough supply of desktop power adapter to meet their demands.


Indeed, Christmas is truly a time of fun and happiness in our company as everyone goes home smiling and joyful with their bounty of gifts and various packages for the Christmas celebration.


Our customers are not also forgotten as our team would still be able to provide our reputable high-quality desktop power adapter whenever the need arises during the holiday.


Are you tired of buying adapters that go bad almost as soon as you buy them? Do you need a plug for quality desktop power adapter?


Then partner with us to help us find you what you’re looking for. Click here to get started.


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